Private Medical Clinic™

The private doctor service at PrivateMedical.Clinic™ is focused on giving excellent, personalised, caring medical services with honesty and integrity. The doctors are UK trained and have post graduate training in General Practice, Sexual Health, Womens and Mens Health, Occupational Health, Travel Health and Aerospace Medicine. The Private Medical.Clinic™ therefore offers a range of services to all types of individuals whether for private general practice assessments, health screens, private scans, sexual health checks, travel vaccinations, medical certiOcations, prescriptions and sick notes.

Pilot Medicals

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Since the challenge of SARS-CoVID19 has become significant through the world, organisations especially working in the aviation sector have seen a dramatic fall in their profits. British Airways, Virgin and most low cost airlines recently cuttings staff as they made a loss over the previous reporting cycle. 

These challenges not only have a profound effect on workers directly employed by airlines but also on ancillary companies supporting this sector.

Appropriately the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) suspended the requirement for workers to have a medical from the time of COVID-19, to ensure the safety of workers and medical staff. They did this by extending the current medical certification dates. It not only protected individuals who were required to have an oil and gas medical certificate but also protected the doctors who were required to undertake the medical. It also reduced the requirement for works to travel to different cities in order to complete their medical process, something the UK government required in order to protect the wider public.

 Since the reduction of the number of cases of COVID-19 in the UK, the suspension of the medical certification process has now adapted and indeed workers are now able to undertake a UK CAA medicals, as long as it is safe to do so.

We are at the PrivateMedical.Clinic™, have always had robust infection control procedures and policies in place however to ensure the safety of both staff and clients attending the clinic we have put in additional requirements. These include all clients confirming that I have not had any symptoms of COVID-19 for the preceding two weeks before attending their clinic appointment. We also send all forms and consents via email a few days before the medical assessment in order that the client completes the forms safely when at home and they can then send them back by email the day before the medical or bring forms with them to the clinic. They are also required to wear a face mask before entering our building and the use of hand sanitiser as they enter the clinic. On entering the clinic, they will have a non-contact temperature check to ensure all parties are safe to undertake the medical process.

 The doctor undertaking the medical will be in full scrubs, wear a face mask and face shield and the rooms are thoroughly cleaned once the client has left the premises.We’ve also put in place payment options via the website so that the medical can be paid for remotely, and also, we urgent clients to use credit cards by noncontact payment methods.

Cabin Crew Medicals

Despite the costs of these additional measures, we at the PrivateMedical.Clinic™ have strived to limit any rises in our medical prices. This despite the cost of significant rise in personal protective equipment (PPE) and the reduced numbers of patients we are able to safely see per day. Our prices remain competitive and our processes remain robust, safe and efficient.

We endeavour to give a stress free, safe experience which is driven by our experienced, friendly Occupational Doctor. The vast majority of clients leaving with their certificate in hand, happy and smiling.

Please check out our Google reviews and see what our clients have been saying.


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